Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What I'm Wearing Wednesday

{Striped top from Forever 21, red skirt gifted, Esprit shoes, bow pin and flower headband from Forever 21, bow earrings from Betsy Johnson}
I know I have mentioned to you (here and here) that I LOVE the show Glee. Ever since the show aired I have tried to replicate some of my favorite outfits. Today's outfit is similar to one of my favorite outfits worn by Ms. Emma Pillsbury.

With a few of my own touches, I think my outfit replica turned out very well. What do you think? Did I give Emma a run for her wardrobe money?

{I love that the bow pin, bow earrings and flower headband ALL have pearls and jewels in them.}

{Another aspect of this top I love are the buttons on the shoulder.}

P.S. Don't forget to enter to win this week's giveaway!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile

I’ve tried my best my entire life to always look on the bright side of things. One of my favorite motto's: Live Love Laugh. The saying has always spoken volumes to me and I keep it around wherever I can see it to remind me of how important those three little words are. I have this saying on my wall in my home office, in my office at work, I wear it around my neck. . .
Believe me; I know that it isn’t always easy to put on a happy face whenever life seems to be getting in the way. I have had my share of rough times. Try having a surgery when you are 15 and hearing you’re not going to make it through the night on for size. Even through the hard times, I always try to muster up a smile to get me through. . .and you know what? It works!
There is actually something more to this smiling thing, called smile therapy. It has been proven that by simply smiling you can relieve stress, boost your immune system and you can even make others happy simply by beaming your beautiful smile their way.
So my question to you is what makes you smile? What in your life right now brings you the most happiness? Let’s face it; we all need a little joy in our hearts! Here are a few things that are currently making me particularly happy.

- It doesn’t matter how many times my hubby and I have watched It’s Always Sunny In PhiladelphiaThe Big Bang Theory
Family Guy, or Archer, we laugh so hard we can hardly breathe.
- Hearing my hubby do his “Little Jamie Voice”. Hy-ster-ical!!!
- Having one of the new hospital therapy dogs, Chester, visit my office each week so I can love on him for a while. 

- Planning a trip to Disney World to celebrate my BFF's birthday.
- The thought of my five year wedding anniversary coming up in Oct to the most amazing man in the entire world!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Giveaway - Ice Cream Cone Bath Bomb by Kntry5 on Etsy

Today's giveaway is from Judy of Kntry5 a wonderful Etsy shop filled with all sorts of bath bombs, candles soaps and other bath goodies. 

Judy and her husband share their six acres with a couple of horses, a miniature donkey, some chickens, and their hand raised dairy goats. They were getting a lot of milk that was just going to waste, so they decided to try their hand at making their own goat milk soap, and the rest is history. This all began more than 15 years ago. Since then, they have added all sorts of wonderful bath products and candles to their line. 

One lucky reader will receive one of Kntry5's ORIGINAL, luxurious gourmet ice cream cone bath bombs in their choice of "flavors" (Strawberry, Vanilla, Tutti Frutti, Pomegranate Blackberry and Sherbet). You get 2 bath bombs in one. This adorable ice cream cone bath bomb is eye candy for your bath, and a great gift too! You won't find these original ice cream cone bath bombs anyplace else. 

The WHOLE thing is a bath bomb. That's right. You can throw the whole thing in at once, or use half at a time.

To enjoy their gourmet bath bombs, just toss one into the bath. Watch the fizz, feel the softness and enjoy the aroma. The shea and cocoa butter will leave you feeling soft and silky! Indulge yourself with a soothing, fragrant bath!

Want to win?? Here's how to enter (required):

Publicly follow I Look Good Today via Google Friend Connect (see sidebar to follow)! Then visit Judy's shop, Kntry5. Look at all the lovely, handmade pieces she has to offer and comment on this post with your favorite item. Be sure to include your email address so I can contact you if you win!

For additional entries, leave a separate comment for each one of the following: 
  • Follow I Look Good Today on Twitter (1 entry)
  • Follow I Look Good Today on Bloglovin' and leave your user name in your comment (1 entry).
  • Follow I Look Good Today on Networked Blogs (see sidebar) and tell me you've done so in your comment (1 entry).
  • Like Kntry5 on Facebook and tell me you've done so in your comment (1 entry). 
  • Add Kntry5 to your RSS feed and tell me you've done so in your comment (1 entry). 
  • Tweet about Kntry5 and copy your tweet in your comment (1 entry).

This giveaway ends Sunday, September 4th at 11:59pm EST.  Open to all followers (international). Winner will be selected by

Just can't get enough at Kntry5? You're in luck! Judy is also offering 20% off of your purchase with coupon code Ilookgoodtoday through September 12, 2011

Good luck and spread the word :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Flashback

{My new leather B.O.C. by Born shoes . You have to understand something. I have the HARDEST time finding shoes that are appropriate for an adult since I wear a 2.5 in kids shoes. These are actually a size 6.5 in women's, but they look great on. . .not too big. I've posted another pic below for you to see them on.}
{See not too big. I love the design. What do you think? Cute huh?!}
After a week of major deadlines, I’m ready for a carefree weekend filled with fun festivities. This weekend my hubby and I plan to get back to one of the things we love doing most together; Tai Chi. His knee has been hurting him so much that we haven't been in about two months. He thinks he can make it through a class so we're going to give it a whirl. What will you be up to? Anything fun planned? Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy it!

{Creamy Cocoa lipstick from Milani.}

{I think these acorn earrings from NextChapter's Etsy shop are too cute for fall!}

{I started reading Son of a Witch by Gregory Maguire. I have read his other books: Wicked, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister and Mirror Mirror. I love how these books tell the "behind the scenes" stories of the most popular classics!}

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Guest Post on So About What I Said . . .

Good Morning, Lovelies! Today I am excited to be featured on "So About What I Said. . .," which is a fabulously fun and inspirational blog written by the very sweet Melissa Blake! I just love reading her "Letters to My Future Husband", her "Daily Affirmations" and exploring the amazing fashion/decorating finds that she reviews. Melissa recently asked me to write a guest post for her, which I jumped at the chance to do! Head on over to her blog to check out my post to see what my hubby seems to always forget - something you would have never guessed! 


I would just love to be sitting in one of those beach chairs right now on the beautiful island of Fiji! To feel the warm ocean breeze on my face and listen to the water as it rushes on to shore. . .PARADISE! Who's with me?

Since my private jet ready to whisk me away is currently unavailable (imagine that), I have found another way to fall in love with this exotic local.

Fiji by Essie is the perfect clean, classic and girly nail polish color! This pale white-pink polish is like the color of pale pink sand on a gorgeous beach.

This is the color I've been looking for. Most light pink polishes are very sheer, and that's nice when that's what you want. But I was looking for a change to a nice baby pastel pink and I got it.

I fell in love with this color when I saw it on Emily from Cupcakes and Cashmere. I picked up a bottle this week to try it for myself with the hopes I would like it just as much on me. A lot of reviews say it is "streaky". . . I applied two coats, a thin first coat and then a thick second coat. I had no problems with streaking. Just make sure you have enough on your brush that you don't need to dip a second time when applying to your nail.

This will definitely be one of my new "go to" polishes! I feel that island breeze already!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What I'm Wearing Wednesday: Date Night

{Blue floral top from NY&Co, khaki pants from NY&Co, heart Bumm purse from Target, silver hoop earrings from Target, watch from Fossil}

My hubby and I have a few restaurants that we keep for special occasions. The Rusty Pelican is where we had our wedding reception. We love our special visits each year as it quickly brings back memories of our amazing wedding day. A beautiful waterfront restaurant The Rusty Pelican has maintained a landmark reputation in the Tampa Bay area for the past 24 years. Stunning and sophisticated with four beckoning warm fireplaces, guests can gaze at the bay and listen to the soothing sound of waves lapping at the pier below.

{I love these silver hoop earrings. Simple and sophisticated.}

{I always make my hubby take my picture here as it was one of the spots we took a number of our wedding pictures.}

{Look familiar?}

{I love the crinkle fabric this top is made out of. It is so light and just so comfortable!}

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Autumn Admirings

Hello Beautiful! I am beyond excited that fall is just over a month away! It is by far my favorite season. Even with temperatures still reaching the 90s here in Tampa, I find myself gravitating towards the cozier items tucked away in my closet. I am just so anxious to break out my favorite fall clothes, decor for our home and to make those scrumptious fall recipes that bring such a sense of comfort to everyday meals. We might not get the true change of seasons here, but that does not stop me from embracing this wonderful time of year.

Here are a few items I'm crushing on for the 2011 fall season. What are some of yours? Are you as anxious as I am?

{Leopard Print Trench Blouse from Ann Taylor}

{Cotton Trench Skirt from Ann Taylor}
{Buoyant Pleated Skirt from Ann Taylor}
{Bow Front Shirt from The Limited}
{Short Sleeve Ribbed Crew from Chadwicks}

Monday, August 22, 2011

Where Do You Live?

 My Lovelies, I'm curious: Where do you live? Which state, country?

I'm originally from Pennsylvania, and then my family moved to Florida when I was only seven years old. Although I've lived here the majority of my life, I still consider myself a northern girl at heart. I miss the mountains, the changing seasons. . . My hubby (a FL native) and I always talk about moving north some day.

Now, for the winner of the Etsy Giveaway...

Congratulations to Gia! The zodiac necklace, choice of sign and metal finish, is hers! 

Thanks to Sunday Girl 77 for offering such a great giveaway to I Look Good Today readers!

Thanks to everyone who entered, as well as all my friends and supporters! Check back daily for what's happening here at I Look Good Today and for more fabulous giveaways coming soon!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Flashback

{My hubby decided to pile as many stuffed animals on me as he could.}
What a productive week this has been!!! Work was filled with video shoots for a new partnership with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Hess called the Gridiron Giveback. They have picked our hospital to be the recipient of $150,000! WOO HOO! As part of this donation, at each Bucs home game a different video about our hospital/services will be shown. It will also appear on their website. You can check out the first video here. This weekend we are hosting some of our friends for a dinner party. I'm so excited! I can't cook completely on my own, so my wonderful hubby and I are teaming up to create a scrumptious dinner. The menu will consist of a chicken biscuit recipe that you just have to try!

Don't forget. Leave a comment on this post through Aug 21 to win the necklace of your choice!!!
I hope you had a great week too! What exciting happened for you?

{I Look Good Today was featured with rave reviews by Tiffiny, the super lovely, fashionable blogger of BeautyAbility. Check out the article here!}

{I went to see the Glee 3D Concert Movie with my friend Jorge this week. We are both complete Gleeks, so we enjoyed singing along to the entire movie. It is insane how happy this movie made us both, but we are completely OK with that!}

{Seeing a rainbow three days in a row!!!}

{I think this headband from Modcloth would look adorable with this outfit. What do you think?}

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Interview with Tara from Haute Lunch

I am very excited to introduce you to a very special friend of mine today, Tara. 

She was one of my first Twitter friends and official followers when I started I Look Good Today. Her blog, Haute Lunch, and words of blogging wisdom were some of my biggest inspirations to give blogging a whirl, and I'm so glad I did! She is a constant source of fun, smiles, support, fashion, and the girl has a serious knack for finding the hottest deals and trends out there! I love keeping up with her daily happenings, most recently her adventures with her new Etsy Store Tara Lane Designs.

Recently I asked Tara to share a bit about herself and her new store with all of you. And because she is just the most amazing girl out there, she is offering I Look Good Today followers a special 15% discount through August 31 to her new Etsy store when you use the code "ILOOKGOODTODAY" during checkout. YEA! Make sure to head over to her shop and take advantage of her most generous offer!

So without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to Tara. . .

Please tell I Look Good Today readers a little something about yourself.

Well, to start, I have been living in Chicago for the last 8 years of my life, but I originally grew up in a small, blue collar town in southern Indiana. I come from very modest means, so I have always known the value of hard work and the meaning of a dollar. Thanks to my wonderful parents I became a responsible and independent person with a strong sense of adventure (when I moved to Chicago at 19, I didn’t know a single person here).

Although I’ve always been pretty girly, I do love watching and playing sports. Volleyball has been a huge part of my life, and when I first when I college I was lucky enough to get a combination of academic and athletic scholarships to cover my tuition. Since then, I have bounced around a little in my academic and career life (I like to consider myself a renaissance woman since I have interests and knowledge in a wide variety of topics). I have attained degrees in two very different fields (psychology and the culinary arts), and although I started my career as an event planner, I’m currently back in school and paying the bills by teaching undergraduate psychology classes. Quite a whirlwind, huh?

So tell me about your blog, when and why you started it and how you came up with the name for it?

Haute Lunch is a beauty and fashion blog that’s geared towards women like you and I who aren’t going to spend a fortune on beauty and clothes, but still want to look fabulous. The name came from a little brainstorming, and my inability to take anything too seriously. J I figured the name “Haute Lunch” conveys the general topic of my blog, but in a way that is inviting and lighthearted. While I love beauty and fashion, I think being too serious takes the fun out of it.

I started my blog back in February of this year (my six month blogiversary was just a few days ago) because I needed a creative outlet and wanted to share my thoughts, opinions, and experiences with other women like myself. I am currently in a doctoral program for cognitive psychology, so my “normal” life doesn’t allow for a lot of creative writing. Since starting my blog I have renewed my love of writing, and better yet, made so many friends (like you) that I would have never found without entering the blogging community! I feel grateful everyday for the opportunities blogging has given me!

I love your new Etsy store Tara Lane Designs. How did you come about opening your shop?

Thanks so much, Jamie!  The funny thing is that I wasn’t the one who came up with the idea. I had been making bracelets for myself and some friends when one of them said “you should sell these.” I was instantly sold on the idea because it allows me to share my love of jewelry making with many more people all over the world and challenges me to come up with new, creative ideas all the time!

What will I find in your shop?

Right now you will mostly find lots of fun and unique bracelets made with a variety of materials including leather, embroidery floss, metal, and more! I also make earrings and necklaces, and plan to start a line of men’s bracelets in the near future!

What is your favorite item in your shop?

I don’t think I could pick just one favorite. Some pieces take me many hours to create, and to be able to put that much time and effort in, you know I must love it (and I do)! Since I put a lot of thought and effort into each piece, I love them all, but I think right now I’m really digging the colors of this wrap bracelet and the elegance of these chandelier earrings.

What is your favorite Etsy shop? 

Tara Lane Designs, of course! Oh…you meant favorite shop other than my own? I see. Well, I’d have to say that my current favorite is Ele Handmade, which specializes in lovely leather ballerina flats and unique leather handbags and wallets. Although the prices for handmade leather goods can be a bit high, I am hoping to get a pair of those gorgeous flats for my birthday (in December) if not sooner!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Giveaway - Necklace from Sunday Girl 77

Allow me to introduce you to Amy, whose love for vintage jewelry inspired this unique and truly fabulous Etsy shop Sunday Girl 77:

All of her jewelry and belts are hand-made in Los Angeles and designed to capture the free spirited casualness of LA style with just an extra little dose of glamor! She also designs a lot of the components herself which are cast locally in Los Angeles.

After several years in the entertainment industry Amy turned full-time to fashion design in 2003 when she launched her first company Kudra, a handbag and belt line. Kudra was sold nationwide and regularly featured in publications such as Lucky, Marie Claire and Life and Style Weekly. 

Since then Amy has worked as a handbag, belt and jewelry designer for a number of brands including Badgley Mischka, ESQ, Crystal Rock by Christain Audigier, Rock Paper Scissors, and many others. Designs for her clients have been featured in Vogue, Lucky, Life and Style Weekly, Marie Claire and others.

For her new line Sunday Girl 77, Amy draws inspiration from astrology, numerology,and feng shui, as well as earth friendly materials such as recycled brass and fair trade labor.  The results are lighthearted, beautiful and personal pieces that are cherished for years and make wonderful gifts All of Sunday Girl 77’s pieces are Proudly Made in the U.S.A. from the finest materials available.

Thanks to Amy's incredible generosity, I am so happy to announce the first ever giveaway on I Look Good Today!!! She has offered a zodiac necklace, winners choice of sign and metal finish, which will go to one very lucky reader! So what's your sign? I know I will be purchasing the one shown below. . .

Want to win?? Here's how to enter (required):

Publicly follow I Look Good Today via Google Friend Connect (see sidebar to follow)! Then visit Amy's shop, Sunday Girl 77. Look at the lovely, handpicked pieces she has to offer and comment on this post with your favorite item. Be sure to include your email address so I can contact you if you win!

For additional entries, leave a separate comment for each one of the following: 
  • Follow I Look Good Today on Twitter (1 entry)
  • Follow I Look Good Today on Bloglovin' and leave your user name in your comment (1 entry).
  • Follow I Look Good Today on Networked Blogs (see sidebar) and tell me you've done so in your comment (1 entry).
  • Like Sunday Girl 77 on Facebook and tell me you've done so in your comment (1 entry). 
  • Add Sunday Girl 77 to your RSS feed and tell me you've done so in your comment (1 entry). 
  • Follow Sunday Girl 77 on Tumblr and tell me you've done so in your comment (1 entry).

This giveaway ends Sunday, August 21st at 11:59pm EST.  Open to all followers (international). Winner will be selected by

Good luck and spread the word :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What Are You Lookin' At?

Do you ever get the funny feeling that you're being watched? You might be shopping in your favorite store, enjoying a day in the park or having dinner with friends and you just feel it. Those eyes from across the room piercing into your very soul. When you attempt to make eye contact with said person they quickly look away, like a child who just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

My entire life I have dealt with this exact scenario. For whatever reason being in a wheelchair makes you a beacon for gawkers. It's like I'm waving a huge red flag, "Hey, I'm over here. Look at me!!!"

When I was a child it used to irritate me to no end that people would stare at me like I was some zoo animal on display. I remember seeing children walking away from me, holding their parent's hand with their neck twisted as far back as they could to continue to look at me. One even ran into a wall because they were so focused on me (Hysterical!!!).

I can almost understand this coming from a child, but are the parents that oblivious? Wouldn't they teach their children it is not nice to stare? I guess not when most of the time the offenders are the adults.

I like to have fun with the situation. When I notice someone staring at me, I don't just shy away. Oh no. I stare right back. I want people to know that I see them looking. Granted, I don't give any dirty looks or make a scene. I just make them aware that their mesmerization by my fierce looks (*wink*) has not gone unnoticed.

The part that is even worse is when people get bold enough to ask. . .

"So what's wrong with you?"

I kindly reply, "Nothing, what's wrong with you?"

What it boils down to is this; I realize I look different. I realize that my wheelchair looks different. I am not shy. I will tell you why I am in this chair if you treat me with respect, because the wheelchair is just a part of me and I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for my wheelchair.

But I know deep down inside, the real reason I'm being stared at is because, well. . .I look good today!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

11 Flattering Styles That Should Be in Every Woman’s Wardrobe

To make the most of your wardrobe, stash these 11 super-flattering, uber-versatile items in your closet. You’ll never have an outfit-idea freak-out again. (OK, well maybe not never, but getting dressed and out the door will be way easier, I swear.) Prepare for the OMG-where-did-you-get-that?! compliments! 

1) Breezy jersey maxidresses are a comfy go-to, but if you want to wear a maxi to work—or to meet the parents—try one with a little polish. How to tell if you’re still underdressed? Ask yourself: Would the leading lady of my favorite romantic comedy wear it in the disheveled breakup scene or the wedding party scene?

2) You don’t have to marry a prince to look like royalty (though taking style cues from Kate Middleton certainly helps). Play the role of the international leading lady with a go-everywhere pleated skirt. Add a pair of serious heels to one with a sweet midlength hemline for a look that’s anything but schoolgirl.

3) Want a smart and stylish look? Try on a vintage-looking A-line dress that is just begging to be worn on a brunch date, at a birthday party or for an Instagram photo session. Adorbs!

4) A pair of basic pumps in skin-tone-matching hue will go with just about every outfit in the whole entire universe. (Plus, they’re the best way to fake super-long legs without cloning Gisele.) Wear nude heels with jeans, dresses, shorts and just about everything in between.

5) It doesn’t matter which season, year or decade it is, stripes are always in. The easiest way to wear ‘em is in dress form, so there’s no mixing-and-matching action required. One tip: Don’t be freaked out by horizontal stripes. When they turn up on a fitted top or dress the alternating colors can visually whittle your waist.

6) While you’ll never hear me say a bad word about basic black or brown accessories, a colorful, can’t-miss belt is a part of the unofficial wardrobe survival kit. A standout color at the waist draws the eyes to the middle, while the little bit of structure creates a sexy hourglass shape in approximately six seconds. (No ab work necessary!)

7) Solid-color dresses are The Bachelor reruns of your wardrobe: You’ve got to have a lot of these on hand to get you through the workweek without totally losing your mind. Next time you’re out shopping, dig through the racks of bright dresses to find one that has a little something special going on so you don’t have a “Now, how should I jazz up this dress?” moment later.

8) How do you expect to get a little eye contact from across the room—or draw attention to your pretty face—when you don’t have something special going on at the neckline? A one-shoulder dress says, “Look! I’m over here!” For those of you with a larger bust, note that this cut can give “the girls” a little more support than a regular strapless or bustier style. Bonus!

9) If you’re looking for a classic three-second outfit game-changer, try a structured jacket. Look for one that hits at the hip for the kind of topper that works just as well with skinny jeans as it does a swishy skirt.
10) There’s nothing like a crisp collared shirt peeking out of a cardigan, sweater or dress to make work outfits look extra spiffy. Everyone from prim-and-proper grannies to cool downtown girls gives this look a thumbs-up.

11) Boot-cut jeans are fashion life-savers: The look somehow adds curves to leaner figures yet slims down thighs for those who want a look-five-pounds-thinner trick. I won’t question this style-saving phenomenon; I’ll just thank the fashion gods.