Hello Gorgeous! I’m so happy to offer many different and affordable advertising options for you on my blog, so if you'd like to be an I Look Good Today sponsor - I would love to have you join me!
I love to promote bloggers of all sizes, the handmade community and businesses big and small. So if you think we are the perfect fit, I would be super glad to hold your hand and introduce you to my lovely readers.
My little sweet blog has grown so surprisingly fast since I started it in April 2011, and I am so thankful to have a very loyal and loving readership. I work very hard to have good quality content, mostly about fashion, beauty, self-confidence and my living with a disability.
Important numbers I love to promote bloggers of all sizes, the handmade community and businesses big and small. So if you think we are the perfect fit, I would be super glad to hold your hand and introduce you to my lovely readers.
My little sweet blog has grown so surprisingly fast since I started it in April 2011, and I am so thankful to have a very loyal and loving readership. I work very hard to have good quality content, mostly about fashion, beauty, self-confidence and my living with a disability.
I Look Good Today is growing each month thanks to my lovely readers and all the new ones coming along, so your business will get a great exposure here!
* 25,271 Twitter Likes* 1,014 Facebook Followers
* Monthly unique visitors: 25,000
* Monthly pageviews: 40,000
* Viewers ranging from over 163 different countries
Are you ready to start?
Advertising with I Look Good Today is easy! Just check out the prices and sizes offered below and click “Buy now” to purchase. You will be asked to upload your image and link. Feel free to email me at jamie@ilookgoodtoday.com prior if you’d like to make sure your company or blog would be a good fit if you aren’t sure (or if you have any questions regarding the advertising process.)!
If you are purchasing 3 consecutive months contact me for the promo code to get a discounted rate before checking out.